Note: Only the price is set here. The contract will be end only between the seller and the winner under the conditions established later by them. The auction does not include the transport of the products from the seller to the buyer !
Register or log in to the online platform. Registration will be done only after paying a fee of 10 EUR which offers unlimited access for 30 days. Until 01.07.2021 access to the online platform is free.
Enter the sale offer or the purchase price
The sale-purchase contract will be concluded only between the seller and the winner under the conditions established in the future by them based on the price offered.
The online platform is not involved in establishing the contractual conditions between the buyer and the seller.
Any unjustified refusal to conclude the contract by one of the parties leads in the future to stop its access to the online platform.
The auction does not include the transport of the products from the seller to the buyer !